We are grateful for

We are grateful for the midterm ahead that enables everyone have a break from school routines.

We are grateful for the very broad range of learning opportunities presented to children at DSP – gym, dance, maths stations, green school committee, student council, art, persuasive writing, forest, team games, buddies, cooking, shared reading, school tours, ECAs and so much more. We are grateful to parents who enhance these learning opportunities by giving of their time.

We are grateful to the staff who work so hard to enable children learn essential life skills, basic literacy and numeracy skills, problem solving, critical thinking, science skills, history skills, drama, listening skills, emotional regulation, environmental awareness and sustainability.

We are grateful to 6th class for sharing songs from their Big Sing programme at assembly.

We are grateful to our Roots of Empathy family and trainers, for the empathy and compassion children practise every day.

What are you grateful for as a family? Maybe write or draw a family gratitude diary over the midterm?

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