We are learning about Brigid, the goddess and the saint. This is the first year that we have a public holiday for Brigid’s Day. “ Brigid is the bridge, crossing the threshold from Goddess to Saint, Celtic to Christian, North and South, winter and spring, 
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On crisp winter days, it is such a delight to be exploring what is alive in nature at this time of year. Though it may not be as obvious, there is so much to notice when you pay attention. In winter some things are revealed 
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Fractals are patterns that repeat themselves at different scales. For example the Y pattern can be found in the way the branches of some trees grow. The first branching Y goes into a smaller branching Y and on and on. Fractals are everywhere in nature. 
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We are grateful for playing with the wind, making wind things, finding a pizza rock during sit spot, making stuff together, sunshine and the wind together, going to the puddle, exploring the outdoors in winter time, making the shop and puddle jumping among many other 
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What a treat to have a windy start to our Winter sessions with 4th class on Friday. It was so good to be able to play and explore and learn with wind energy. Click on any photo to see the slideshow. With child led learning 
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We have so many good memories from our time in the forest together. Treasure, buds, hammocks, oak gall ink, pine cones, puff ball mushrooms, rope work, whittling, games and ice. Enjoy the photos! (Click on a photo to view the slideshow)
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Forest school uses a child led methodology so each group has had a different experience based on their location, interests and needs. As a leader of the group, I was privileged to witness leadership skills being developed, lots of on the ground problem solving, team 
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