We made beautiful colours from leaves, berries, flowers, mud and charcoal. We also used the berries and leaves to make some tea. We played games and climbed and created. We explored and discovered many treasures. We had sit spot and a closing circle where we 
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We had another active day becoming pine martens and discovering berries. We climbed with the ropes, threaded berries, wrote to grandmother tree, built dens and played games. We were creative and imaginative and kind. We challenged ourselves and each other. We had fun. We learned 
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We are grateful for:
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2nd class are learning lots about squirrels. We have learned about the differences between our native red squirrels and the grey squirrels that only came to Ireland in 1911. We learned that baby squirrels are called kittens and that they nest in dreys. We learned 
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There are many benefits to playing in the rain.  It gives our senses new sights, smells, textures and sounds which stimulate brain development.  It encourages creative thinking and gross motor movement skills.  It builds our resilience and develops our self confidence as we learn how 
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2nd class were learning all about wood mice. What do they look like? Would wood mice live on Killiney Hill? What would they eat? Where would be cosy to make their nests? Are there pathways near our base where they forage? Where they would find 
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Senior Infants were busy observing changes and continuity since they were last in the woods together in June. Back then there were a lot of flowers. And now there aren’t as many flowers but there are berries and nuts and seeds and fungi to be 
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In Forest school we are supporting children to develop and keep their ability to notice nature on a regular basis and we believe it has a significant impact on their happiness as well as helping them want to take care of it. The photos below 
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“There is a ‘moreness’ to nature that science does not explore. This ‘moreness’ incorporates the development of creativity, cultural awareness, spirituality, cognitive abilities: mental and physical health, mindfulness, and caring qualities in both children and adults. ” In Forest school we seek to explore both the 
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We were very happy and grateful to have some of our parents join us for our session today. We got to be the leaders for our adults and show them what and how we’ve been learning. We learn with our whole being in Forest school: 
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