Today we had Cloud School. ‘Are we really in a cloud?’ ‘I always wanted to be in a cloud.’ ‘It’s so magical. It feels like anything could happen.’ Going back to the same place week after week allows us to know it in a way 
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4th class arrived late to the Forest but for a very good reason – celebrating 50 years since the founding meeting of DSP! So we went straight to our base camp and got down to the serious business of exploring and playing, building and creating, 
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4th class started off the day searching for hazel flowers. Hazel flowers are tiny. We could see the catkins full of pollen dangling from the branches but finding the tiny pink flowers was a challenge. It’s amazing the think that this is how a hazelnut 
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It was such a pleasure to see the children become the leaders for their adults today. They really lived up to our ‘green agreements’ of keeping themselves safe and happy and especially today, keeping their adults safe and happy. This included explaining the games, finding 
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Nature has so much for us to notice with awe and wonder. The children learn from and with each other as they use their senses to pay attention to and be curious about nature’s treasures. 3rd class 4th class
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With child led learning, natural differentiation through choice and opportunities arising to learn with and from the environment each group has a very different experience. One group engages with their vestibular system learning about balance and cause and effect. Another finds litter in their favourite 
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This week we continued our exploration of the forest as winter gives way to Springtime. The circle of life keeps on turning and so we made many different circles and used them with great creativity in a variety of ways. 3rd class 4th Class
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Weaving an invitation – 3rd class Sit spot Sit spot is an opportunity or invitation to be with nature and to pay attention to what we see or hear or feel or notice. Today we noticed: Creating Weaving Forms – 4th class A frame – 
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In an ancient custom, still practised in parts of Ireland, children would make a Brideog Doll for St. Brigid’s Day. The doll was created as a physical representation of St. Brigid. The doll would be walked around the town or village, to each household, where 
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Brigid is our matron Saint and Celtic Goddess and a celebration of all mná. Traditionally Brigid’s Day is Imbolc, the first day of Spring, the return of the light and the ancient Celtic festival of the goddess. Brigid was Ireland’s first environmentalist, a passionate protector 
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