We were very happy and grateful to have some of our parents join us for our session today. We got to be the leaders for our adults and show them what and how we’ve been learning. We learn with our whole being in Forest school:
- We use our senses to observe the world around us (can you see how much we notice through the drawings below?)
- we use our minds to harness and develop our curiosity
- we use our bodies to bring us places and to make things
- we challenge ourselves by being creative and taking appropriate risks like climbing trees or building forts
- we deal with challenges, problem solve and learn that we can recover
- we take time to be in nature and nurture our sense of wonder and awe which is good for our spiritual development and emotional well being among other things
Some comments from parents.
“I haven’t taken the time to draw like this since I was in 6th class!”
“I really loved letting my child lead the way and stop and show me things every few steps. I’d definitely let him lead when we come for walks up here – he pointed out so many interesting things that I’d never have paid attention to.”
“It’s so nice to join in the play and fun with my child rather than watching from the sidelines.”
“It’s very special to have 1 on 1 time with my child.”
“It’s so good for the children to have this shared experience. My child gets to do this with us at home but it’s so rich for him to now have this nature way of playing with his classmates because they all have experienced it together.”
“I’m just so grateful that my child gets to experience this type of learning.”