Hi everyone
Thank you all for the support, smiles, goodwill and chats at the gates these mornings as I remind everyone about emailing your representatives and the meeting for the campaign Enough! For Every Child in DSP on Monday 18th Novemeber at 7.30pm.
The conversations I’ve had with so many of the community these past few weeks have been awesome and inspiring. How privileged are we all to be part of a school community who want to come together to make things better for every child, a community of parents who look out not just for their own child but every child!!
On Monday our community will come together in the school hall to show the candidates that we care for all our children, our own and each others!
In our numbers on the night, we will show them the power of community! We will show them we are CHANGEMAKERS! We will use our voices as one to tell them we have had enough! We will use our voices as one to tell them we want ENOUGH! FOR EVERY CHILD