It was such a pleasure to see the children become the leaders for their adults today. They really lived up to our ‘green agreements’ of keeping themselves safe and happy and especially today, keeping their adults safe and happy. This included explaining the games, finding 
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DSP student council welcomed Francis Street student council for a morning of meeting and games. Both schools are members of the Changemaker Schools Network. Schools are selected to join the Changemaker network for nurturing the change makers of the future. The four pillars of Changemaker 
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A meeting of DSPNS Board of Management (BOM) was held on Tuesday 21st March 2023. Items on the agenda included the Principal’s Report, Treasurer’s Report, Voluntary Contributions (VCs), Communications, Maintenance, and Buildings report. Specific items included: • The Board reviewed three policies – Communications, Dignity 
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Nature has so much for us to notice with awe and wonder. The children learn from and with each other as they use their senses to pay attention to and be curious about nature’s treasures. 3rd class 4th class
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We are delighted to invite parents/guardians to a coffee morning singalong to mark the end of the spring term. Our chosen charities for this event are Educate Together and Turkish/Syrian appeal. All classes will sing a song/recite a poem 8:40-9:40am. Reminder: school closes 12:00 / 
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Thank you to everyone for taking part in the Green School Big Travel Challenge!! Thank you to the Green Schools Committee for organising the Big Travel Challenge 2023. They created labels for jars, spread awareness and collected data over 2 weeks. It was amazing to 
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We are celebrating many aspects of Irish language and culture this week during Seachtain na Gaeilge. Last week Rang a Sé (Sixth Class) played a Cuala football league where they spoke in Irish: “Táim saor. Tabhair dom an liathroid.” (I’m free. Give me the ball). 
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3rd Class Engineering Activities Engineering week 2023 took place from the 6th-10th of March 2023 Third Class were lucky enough to have a visit from the transportation engineer, Stavroula Manta. We discussed the different types of engineers there are and their roles. It is important 
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With child led learning, natural differentiation through choice and opportunities arising to learn with and from the environment each group has a very different experience. One group engages with their vestibular system learning about balance and cause and effect. Another finds litter in their favourite 
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5th and 6th Class were very excited when Professor Luke O’Neill came to visit us for Book Week. He talked about all things science and we were very very excited. Thanks Luke!
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