Communications Policy

Introductory Statement:

This policy was reviewed in consultation with the staff, parent/guardian representatives and the Board of Management in January 2023.

It outlines the structures and processes in place for communications within the DSP School Community.

Mission Statement

Dalkey School Project National School strives to create a happy, friendly, inclusive, educational environment where each child is unique and valued. We are a welcoming school where diverse talents are appreciated and the school community works together respectfully. We cooperate to have a peaceful and safe atmosphere in which to learn and teach. We nurture each person’s potential and aspire to excellence.


In keeping with the principles of equality-based education, DSP is democratically run. This means a democratically elected Board of Management runs the school. A high level of parental involvement through the Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is a feature of our school and requires commitment from all parents. The involvement of parents is also sought by staff when delivering the curriculum.

This is a whole school policy for the school community. Good communication is essential to maintaining a positive working and learning environment. Creating and modelling compassionate communication in a happy, caring and supportive environment means people feel included, consulted, respected and informed. This requires that we use a variety of channels of communication to ensure that the relevant people receive the necessary information.


The DSP community aspires to engage in compassionate communication. All members of the school community are expected to communicate empathetically, with an appreciation for diversity, openness and honest expression without blame or criticism.

This DSP Communication Policy aims to promote and support sound communication
structures in the following areas:

  • Communications by staff to staff
  • Communications by staff to Parents/Guardians
  • Communication by Parents/Guardians to staff
  • Communications by Parents/Guardians to Parents/Guardians
  • Communications by the Wider School Community (PTA and BOM)

All members of the school community are expected to familiarise themselves with the Communication Policy. It is considered that everyone has a responsibility to make themselves aware of where and how to seek information and updates, and keep themselves informed.

1. Communications by staff to staff

The DSP community aspires to engage in compassionate communication. All members of the school community are expected to communicate empathetically, with an appreciation for diversity, openness and honest expression without blame or criticism.

  • The school has adopted ‘Working Together – Procedures and Policies for Positive Staff Relations’. A copy is in the Principal’s Office and may be downloaded from the Irish National Teachers’ Organisation website.
  • In addition to the formal communication that takes place during staff meetings, the Principal and Leadership and Management (LaM) team undertake to make themselves available to any member of staff who wishes to discuss school matters with them.
  • The whiteboard in the staffroom will be used for general updates and information. The staffroom whiteboard calendar ensures whole school awareness of meetings, parental involvement, other visitors to the school etc.
  • Google Apps Calendars will be shared between Principal, Secretary and all staff to ensure whole school awareness of meetings, parental involvement, other visitors to school etc.
  • Emails are used for circulating information amongst the staff, minutes of staff meetings and various correspondence. Key information is communicated by email with all staff members to ensure that all staff receive the information at the same time.
  • Principal will inform staff of emergencies, such as school closure, through text.
  • Class teachers, Additional Needs Teachers (ANTs) and Additional Needs Assistants (ANAs) meet regularly to discuss strategies for supporting children with additional needs.
  • Class teachers, Additional Needs Teachers and ANAs meet regularly to discuss and plan for supporting all children.
  • The whole staff meet at least once per month to discuss matters arising from School Self Evaluation and to share what is working well across the school.
  • The agenda for a staff meeting is sent in advance and any staff member can add items to the agenda or a ‘burning question’ can be asked at the end of the meeting for future discussion.
  • Sharing of expertise is promoted in the school. Staff are encouraged to share best practice. If a staff member attends a course, they are encouraged to share key information with other staff members.
  • Peer mentoring is facilitated through the Droichead process in the school. This allows staff members to visit one another’s classrooms to see what is working well and to enhance their own practices.
  • Informal peer mentoring is facilitated by staff members.
  • The Principal meets with staff members regularly and staff members are encouraged to come and ask if they have any questions/queries/comments or need support in any area.
  • A member of the LaM provides induction for new members of staff. New staff are actively encouraged to ask questions and share opinions.
  • The Leadership and Management team includes the Principal, Deputy Principal (DP) and three Assistant Principals (AP2s). Each member of the team is responsible for different areas in the leadership and management of the whole school. The leadership team meets at least once per month to discuss key information and progress as part of the whole school plan.

2. Communications by staff to parent body

The DSP community aspires to engage in compassionate communication. All members of the school community are expected to communicate empathetically, with an appreciation for diversity, openness and honest expression without blame or criticism.

  • New Parents/Guardians: Parents/Guardians of children who are new to the school receive a copy of our booklet for new parents /guardians which includes an outline of the history of the school, information on various structures within the school and points about the day to day school life. They also receive a copy of the school’s Code of Behaviour, Acceptable Technology Use Policy, Communication Policy, Safe Traffic Plan and a Calendar of the year.
  • Class information meetings are usually held in September to provide an opportunity for parents/guardians to meet the Class Team (Class Teacher, ANT and ANA) and receive an overview of the plan for the year, structures etc.
  • School Support meetings are held in October and February/March for children on a Support Plan or Support Plan Plus. Members of the class team meet with Parents/Guardians to discuss their child’s strengths, needs and support plan.
  • Annual Parent Teacher Meetings: Individual parent/teacher meetings are held in November each year. In exceptional circumstances they may be held in the Spring Term.
  • Additional Home/School Communication: Staff may email or call parents/guardians or meet –
    in person or by Zoom – to discuss a pupil’s progress throughout the year.
  • Child Progress: End of year progress reports are made available to parents/guardians every June through the Aladdin App.
  • School Calendar: The Calendar outlines the dates of the three terms, mid-term breaks etc. It is issued to all parents/guardians in the summer term for the following school year and is available on the school website (
  • School News: The school blog is updated regularly with information about what is happening in school.
  • Aladdin: Parents are encouraged to download the Aladdin school app and information is relayed via email and text through Aladdin.
  • Aladdin text is used for reminders and emergency updates.
  • School Office: The administration staff is involved in a wide range of supportive activities for all staff, students, parents/guardians and Board of Management. They assist with the smooth running of the school on a day-to-day basis.
  • Currently the school secretary is in the office between 09:00 am to 2:00pm.
  • The school office is closed outside of these hours and during holidays. Any emails received during this time will be responded to when the school reopens.
  • Right to disconnect: It is important that all staff members and families have the right to disconnect after their work hours and during the holidays.

3. Communications by parents/guardians to staff

The DSP community aspires to engage in compassionate communication. All members of the school community are expected to communicate empathetically, with an appreciation for diversity, openness and honest expression without blame or criticism.

Clear, direct lines of communication for parents/guardians to connect with staff are outlined below.

  • Parents/guardians can share brief or routine information with teaching staff by emailing the office. This information will be shared with the relevant person or class team only.
  • Parents/guardians can communicate issues of concern (including confidential matters) to teaching staff in the following way:
    • Email the office at These emails will be forwarded to the relevant member/s of staff only. Staff will endeavor to respond to emails which require a reply within 3 working days. On occasion, a holding email may be sent while staff take time to carry out observations and gather information necessary to understanding the situation.
    • Complete a phone call or meeting request form. These forms can be found on the website, DSP Meeting Guidelines and DSP Email Guidelines
  • If a child needs to leave school early, an email should be sent to the child’s teacher. The parent should call the office at the agreed time and their child will be brought to the gate.
  • If a child is absent, parents/guardians should enter the reason and a brief explanation on Aladdin when prompted.
  • In absences of concern, parents/guardians should email the office to alert the class team.
  • Concerns about the behaviour of other children should be communicated directly to staff. Parents/guardians should not directly approach a child regarding incidents in school.
  • Right to disconnect: It is important that all families and staff members have the right to disconnect after their work hours and during the holidays.

Steps for positive communication of concerns from parents/guardians:

  • Step 1: Concerns/issues about a child need to be discussed with the class teacher(s). Class teachers can be communicated with via or by filling out a phone call or meeting request form. A phone call or meeting may then be arranged. A number of meetings may be required before moving to the next step.
  • Step 2: If, following the phone calls and/or meeting/s with the class teacher, a parent feels that the matter has not been resolved, an appointment should be made with the Principal. A number of meetings may be required before moving to the next step.
  • Step 3: If a parent feels that the issue has not been resolved at this point, the next step is to communicate with the Board of Management. A letter should be written and addressed to the Chairperson of the Board of Management. The letter will be read out at the next Board of Management meeting and the members will consider and discuss the issues raised. The Board members will work towards finding a resolution and the Chairperson will respond directly to the parent.
  • If the parental concern relates to whole school issues, Step 1 above may be skipped and the parent should come directly to the Principal. If approached, PTA members and Board of Management (BOM) members should follow and promote the procedures outlined above for dealing with suggestions and concerns in relation to the school. It is not the responsibility of the PTA or members of the BOM to make requests or pass messages on behalf of other parents.

4. Communications by Parents/Guardians to Parents/Guardians

The DSP community aspires to engage in compassionate communication. All members of the school community are expected to communicate empathetically, with an appreciation for diversity. Conflict is explored without blame or criticism through restorative practices using open, honest, compassionate communication.

  • Parents/guardians are encouraged to take every opportunity to connect with one another, to socialise and foster a sense of belonging for everyone.
  • Parents/guardians are encouraged to use drop off and pick up as times to congregate and communicate with each other.

Parents/Guardians at DSP have a tradition of organising coffees/walks/swims as part of the drop off and pick up times

5. Wider School Community

The DSP community aspires to compassionate communication. We encourage all members of the school community to communicate empathetically, focusing our attention on empathic understanding of others and open and honest expression of ourselves without blame or criticism.

Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

  • DSP has a robust and active PTA who communicate to parents/guardians in the following ways –
    • Email
    • WhatsApp groups (hyperlink WhatsApp guidelines)
    • Meetings
    • School website
  • Staff representatives on the PTA and the principal liaise between staff and PTA chairs for school fundraising events and school community events.
  • DSP PTA has staff representatives in each class who communicate to the parents/guardians in the class about PTA events.
  • The DSP school building and yard is made available for PTA social and fundraising gatherings such as the coffee mornings, movie nights, Spring Market, picnics, sponsored walks etc.
  • DSP PTA acknowledges the school building is not the centre of all communications and meet ups. Parents/guardians are encouraged to socialise in other places also.
  • It is not the responsibility of the PTA to make requests or pass messages on behalf of other parents.

Board of Management (BOM)

The staff nominee on the Board of Management and the principal liaise between staff and the BOM.

  • The BoM prepares a summary report after each meeting which is disseminated via the school blog and website.
  • Where appropriate, parents/guardians can communicate with the BoM by letter and this correspondence will generally be considered at the next scheduled BoM meeting. It should be noted that the Grievances and Complaints Procedure should be followed if a complaint is being made, where the BoM is only involved when resolution with the teacher and the principal have been exhausted.
  • It is not the responsibility of the members of the BOM to make requests or pass messages on behalf of other parents.

Roles and Responsibility

All members of the school community have both a role and a responsibility in successfully implementing this policy. The policy will be monitored and evaluated on an ongoing basis by the policy committee through feedback from members of the school community.

Implementation Date

This policy was agreed 9th May 2023. Amendments will be implemented immediately.

Timetable for Review

This policy is to be reviewed during the school year………
Date of ratification: 9th May 2023
Signed: Ciaran Byrne Date: 17th May 2023

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