Celebrations of the 50th Anniversary of the Inaugural Meetings of Dalkey School Project Friday 28th February 2025


What a celebration!! So much joy and appreciation!! The Celebrations of the 50th Anniversary of the Inaugural Meetings last Friday created a wonderful opportunity to let the founders of our very special school know how much we appreciate the legacy they created – the child-centred legacy!

And the voices of our children were not just at the centre but all through the celebrations last Friday. Children from senior classes and their infant buddies greeted the attendees, including our very special guest Sabina Higgins, with rainbow leis and words of thanks. Others welcomed the attendees at the door with name badges and big smiles of welcome.

 ‘The children were magnificent … It was great to be met by bright, smiling faces’ Founder DSP

The founders are met with smiles and rainbow leis by the wonderful children of 5th Class and their Junior Infants buddies.

Inside our greeters were ready with warm welcomes and words of thanks.

Áine Hyland (Founder) and Clodagh (Principal) greet Sabina Higgins

Sabina and Áine share a laugh as they reminisce.

Sabina meets Sarah Sheeran (PTA Chair), Maryrose Leeson (Deputy Principal), Ciarán Byrne (BoM Chair) and Miriam Hurley (Past Principal).

There was much love to be witnessed as members of the school community, past and present, came together in the school hall to meet each other, chat, drink coffee and eat the famous Johnston waffles.

The famous Johnston waffles were yummy! Thanks to Becky, daughter of Pat and Mike Johnston, and her merry helpers!

There was tea and coffee too. Thanks to all the parent helpers!

Much love and happiness in the school hall. A slideshow brought back many happy memories.

The enormous undertaking of the past by our founders was reflected back to everyone in song by the school choir who sang the DSP version of A Million Dreams. Everyone then joined in with the song ‘I have a dream’ by Abba. Some even had a little dance/sway!!

‘The composition of the lyrics of the first song and the second song all so appropriately chosen and sung delivered a most powerful message to my heart and brought a lump to my throat and my tears flowed.’ Founder DSP

The DSP School Choir sang beautifully!

After the beautiful singing, Sabina Higgins commended the founders on the far reaches of their advocacy, having been one of the founders of Galway Educate Together school herself. Led by a very cheerful and happy Sabina Higgins, the children (and adults) joined in in singing Happy Birthday to DSP as Sabina and the founders cut the cake.  

Sabina and the founders cut the cake!

Desmond Green (Founder) presents the original key of DSP to Clodagh.

The very meaningful voices of the founders were then heard by the emotional crowd. Desmond Green spoke passionately about the importance of continuing to advocate for inclusive education today and into the future; calling on the representatives in the room to commit to their promises of more Educate Together schools.

Áine Hyland (Founder) shared a powerful summary of the origins of the Dalkey School Project vision, highlighting inclusive education and the importance of respect for all those who attend the school under its ethos. The importance of the work of Mike Johnston in driving the creation of DSP forward and the bravery of the original teachers were also highlighted by Áine.

Following Áine, our Student Voice continued as members of the Student Council made links with the changemaking work of the founders in the past and the advocacy and activism which takes place through the children’s actions today.

‘….to hear the children tell us about their work to keep the vision of DSP alive was truly special.’ Founder DSP

The huge gratitude of current members of the DSP school community was conveyed by Clodagh (Principal), Sarah (PTA Chair and past pupil), Ciarán (BoM Chair) and Caro (Sec. DSP Patron). Clodagh spoke personally and passionately about the ways in which in the contributions of the founders have positively affected the lives of so many and the incredible privilege felt by the school community as they witness the evidence of the legacy of the founders on a daily basis. Sarah spoke from the heart about how fortunate she felt as a pupil to be part of Ireland’s first multi-denominational school and how she, as a current parent, can see the lasting impact of the school’s inclusive ethos and the dedication of its founders. Ciaran words were heartfelt when he spoke of the awareness of the BoM of the responsibility it shares in filling the big shoes of the founders, how the BoM carries on the process of collaborative work – work which nurtures the founding vision while continuing to uphold an ethos based in radical hope. Caro, speaking on behalf of the patron, shared with the crowd the enormous pride the current Patron body feels as it works to continue the legacy of the founders.

‘Thank you so much for reminding me of the wonderful days we had fundraising and fighting for the right of the school to exist and the joy and spirit I experienced from the staff and children last Friday made me realise that our hard work was recognised and the diversity we live with in the world today has been allowed to flourish under the banner of Educate Together.’ Founder and current grandparent DSP

Sarah Sheeran (PTA Chair and past pupil)

Clodagh Robinson (Principal) & Ciarán Byrne (BoM Chair)

Caro Condon (DSP Patron) & Emer Nolan (Educate Together)

Lots of children enjoyed visits to their classrooms from the past pupils, parents and staff. The children had a chance to ask questions about DSP in the past and answer questions about DSP now. Sabina Higgins also visited some classrooms downstairs and impressed the children with some poetry. She then visited Junior Infants upstairs where she herself was impressed by some poetry as the children recalled a classic…. Row, Row, Row Your Boat!

‘I loved it. Lovely to see the children are having the same experience we did.’ Past Pupil DSP

Before leaving the attendees were treated to a very special Thank You video which represented the voices of all the children in the school. The children told the founders what their favourite thing about DSP is and how DSP makes them feel.


I found Friday so emotional and affirming that that house move…….coupled with a conviction to follow our core family beliefs in wanting our children to be educated in a diverse and inclusive for all educational setting was worth its weight in gold. Thank you for continuing and safeguarding the legacy of DSPNS and all that it represents.’ Current member of school community

I send warmest regards to you and to all  your colleagues, members of the Board and the PTA. The DSPNS  is in safe, caring hands.’ Founder DSP

More photos from the day…..

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