We’re delighted to be back in the forest with 5th and 6th class for these weeks before the end of the year. We’re learning new skills this block with lots of knot work and rope skills to learn including putting them away correctly (termed hanking). 
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This is a blog written by Yuuki Blakeney, ゆ(Yu) う(U) き(Ki), a forest school leader, researcher and parent in the school. Here she captures some of the learnings and benefits that she witnesses for one group of 3rd class children over the summer term. It 
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This is a blog written by Yuuki Blakeney, ゆ(Yu) う(U) き(Ki), a forest school leader, researcher and parent in the school. Here she captures some of the learnings and benefits that she witnesses for one group of 3rd class children over the summer term It 
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This is a blog written by Yuuki Blakeney, ゆ(Yu) う(U) き(Ki), a forest school leader, researcher and parent in the school. Here she captures some of the learnings and benefits that she witnesses for one group of 3rd class children over the summer term It 
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This is a blog written by Yuuki Blakeney, ゆ(Yu) う(U) き(Ki), a forest school leader, researcher and parent in the school. Here she captures some of the learnings and benefits that she witnesses for one group of 3rd class children over the summer term. On 
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This is a blog written by Yuuki Blakeney, ゆ(Yu) う(U) き(Ki), a forest school leader, researcher and parent in the school. Here she captures some of the learnings and benefits that she witnesses for one group of 3rd class children over the summer term. It 
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Session 9 12th November 2021 This week was our last week together for this year. Between games and free play and weaving and clay, we had a great time learning through play. Every session we share what we are grateful for from the session. This 
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DSPNS Forest Friday sessions bring the children and the curriculum to the forest on Killiney Hill weekly for 9 weeks. The structure of each session allows the children to build connection: to themselves through sit spots, creative opportunities and reflection; to each other through games 
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