We had a lot of variety today. The children can arrive tired at the end of a week and after a walk up hill from school. One child said at the start, ‘I’m soooooo tired. But I know that’ll change as soon as I’m at 
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March 14th 2025 We continued with playing games that we can teach the younger children. Today it was bat and moth. We noticed that some children prefer to be the bat with a blindfold and trying to catch the moth with ‘echolocation’ and others prefer 
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Today we had Cloud School. ‘Are we really in a cloud?’ ‘I always wanted to be in a cloud.’ ‘It’s so magical. It feels like anything could happen.’ Going back to the same place week after week allows us to know it in a way 
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Hammocks Today we were learning how to put up hammocks with tree straps and carabiners. This will be really helpful when they are assistants for the 1st class and Junior Infants. There’s lots of problem solving and awareness building in this activity. They needed to: 
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4th class arrived late to the Forest but for a very good reason – celebrating 50 years since the founding meeting of DSP! So we went straight to our base camp and got down to the serious business of exploring and playing, building and creating, 
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The sun was shining its welcome to 6th class as they started their final DSP Forest School sessions. There was a real gladness and gratitude for being back in the forest with their friends. We started by playing a few games. As they are beginning 
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The sun shone and Sixth Class made sure everyone had a relaxed approach to games and races. Ice cream was deliciously cooling – and raised funds for Down syndrome Ireland! Parents/Guardians joined in the fun. What a wonderful DSP community day!
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22nd march 2024 On the day of the final DSP Forest School session for the 6th class students, the sky was grey, and we felt chilly and windy as we arrived at Killiney Hill. The theme was to go through the Forest School ethos which 
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We look forward to seeing everyone on Thursday. We are very impressed with 6th class leadership abilities in organising the events for the day. Thanks to Ms O’Driscoll, Sandra and Mr Mannion for their hard work.  We ask all families to support all children as Be a 
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Children from First Class and Senior Infants had great fun harvesting onions from the garden on Wednesday. After sorting the onions to share with all the garden helpers, it was time to do some weeding. We noticed delicious beetroot, kale, chard, broccoli and cauliflower growing. 
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