There has been a large increase in general viral infections among children and young people this winter. There have also been recent concerns about a rare bacterial infection. This infection is iGAS (an invasive Group A Streptococcal infection). It is and also known as Group 
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We are having special Christmas Draws to say a BIG Thank You to everyone who is supporting our lotto. Every line in our lotto on 15th December will automatically have a free chance to win in 2 Extra draws  – our School Christmas Draw – see our website for a list of spot prizes 
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Offers for places in Junior Infants 2023 were posted last week. We ask all families to check their post. Tomorrow is the deadline for replying. If you do not wish to accept a place this year, please let us know as we have had a 
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6th Class had the privilege of being the first class to use the new projector down in the Hall. It was a great experience, we were supposed to watch a movie in our class on our whiteboard but decided to use our new Mega screen down 
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The Student Council have been meeting every week, planning their events for the year ahead. Their first event is a charity fundraiser to be held on Friday 16th December 2022. Get your seasonal gear out because everyone is invited to a coffee morning in the 
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A sincere thanks to teachers for facilitating a new model of parent teacher meetings using a blend of online and in-person meetings. Zoom meetings enabled parents to attend their child’s progress meeting from different workplaces; in-person meetings yielded the joy of face-to-face interactions. We are 
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Everyone is invited to attend the Board of Management (BoM) AGM on Monday 14th November 2022 at 7:30pm via zoom. Proposed Agenda The zoom link will be sent via Aladdin App
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Have you booked your parent teacher meeting time? Check your Aladdin app for notification.
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The AGM of the Board of Management will take place on Monday 14th November at 7:30pm via zoom. The meeting will include reports from the principal, chairperson and treasurer on the school year 2021-2022. The Board is seeking nominations from parents for a new parent 
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Board of Management Meetings – Summary Report A meeting of DSPNS Board of Management (BOM) was held on Tuesday 25th October 2022 via zoom.Items on the agenda included the Principal’s Report, Treasurer’s Report, Voluntary Contributions (VCs), Communications, Maintenance, and Buildings report. Specific items included: • 
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