We hope everyone read the WhatsApp pleas from the PTA regarding traffic. Unsafe drop practices were raised as an issue at the last PTA meeting. We learned many good habits during the pandemic that kept our school gates safe. Unfortunately, some drivers are not making 
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Well done to the 4th and 6th class teams that represented DSPNS in the ‘Credit Union Schools Quiz 2023’ at Cherrywood ETNS on Monday, 30th January 2023.  They should be very proud of themselves for working so well together in their teams and then winning 
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A meeting of DSPNS Board of Management (BOM) was held on Tuesday 17th January 2023 via zoom.Items on the agenda included the Principal’s Report, Treasurer’s Report, Voluntary Contributions (VCs), Communications, Maintenance, and Buildings report. Specific items included: • The Board reviewed three policies: i) Child 
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We are delighted to share some important school community dates Sports Day Thursday 22nd June 2023 (weather permitting)6th class graduation Wednesday 28th June 2023 11:00-12:00
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We are delighted to avail of the opportunity to introduce another modern language to children in 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th classes. Each group will have eight Spanish lessons this term.
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We welcome back teachers Molly (dance), Louise and Sky (gymnastics) who are teaching new classes this term.
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Children had great fun in the crisp sunshine on Monday 16th January 2023 experiencing ways to share and spread happiness. January can be a dark, cold, dreary time and many people’s mental health can be affected. Emotional intelligence includes learning that we can identify ways 
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Thanks to everyone who made our Friday morning singalong fundraiser such a special event. We raised over €1000 for our chosen charities: Cystic Fibrosis and Focus Ireland. We have staggered pick up at an earlier time this Wednesday. Classes starting at 8:20am are ready for 
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Our Student Council is busy preparing for the coffee morning charity fundraiser on Friday morning. The two charities that will receive donations are Cystic Fibrosis Ireland and Focus Ireland. What will happen? The PTA are providing teas/coffees in the hall. (People are welcome to bring 
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We are very grateful to parents who have enriched children’s learning and environment in recent times. The hall was transformed with seasonal decorations on Monday afternoon. Parents and children worked busy as elves to bring some seasonal cheer. Fifth and First class benefitted from parents 
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