WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! WHAT A DAY!!! What a celebration!! So much joy and appreciation!! The Celebrations of the 50th Anniversary of the Inaugural Meetings last Friday created a wonderful opportunity to let the founders of our very special school know how much we appreciate the legacy 
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From artwork and wellbeing discussions & plans to our gardening and sustainability initiatives. There was a lot of love, support and care on show. In a week when the Dept/NCSE yet again failed to provide assurances, our children felt the support and love of the 
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On Thursday, we had a visit from the Cateura Recycled Orchestra! The children were very excited to hear the orchestra play their instruments – violins, violas, a contrabass, harp, a transverse flute, saxophone, guitar, and percussion instruments – all of which were crafted from items 
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Although it was grey and overcast, the atmosphere in DSP was bright and cheery! The morning started with a lovely gathering in the hall. Bright decorations, warm drinks and warm chats! Joining us were Margaret and Anne from Barnardos who received a cheque for €1,198 
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What a night! We did it! Our amazing community came together! Feelings of positivity, passion, power, pride, love, appreciation, respect, camaraderie filled the room!! What a privilege for us to have heard our children’s voices so clearly telling the local candidates what they need. This is real ‘Student Voice‘ in action! Pupils present and past 
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13/11/2024    Today Finns dad; Gavin Harte, came to are school and did a workshop about energy, how it is created and how much we use of it daily. The first half of the workshop he had light bulbs, a bike and a miniature motor. The 
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Hi everyone Thank you all for the support, smiles, goodwill and chats at the gates these mornings as I remind everyone about emailing your representatives and the meeting for the campaign Enough! For Every Child in DSP on Monday 18th Novemeber at 7.30pm. The conversations I’ve 
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A meeting of the DSPNS Board of Management (BOM) was held on Monday 11th November 2024. Items on the agenda included the Principal’s Report, Treasurer’s Report, Voluntary Contributions (VCs), Communications, Maintenance, and Buildings report. A summary of items discussed include;
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