One of the joys of the role of principal is the opportunity to visit classes and to observe children’s learning styles. Students have settled in well to their class routines and engage purposefully in meaningful learning. Teachers set a blend of individual and group tasks so that children can develop teamwork and leadership skills.

At DSP, we are fortunate to have many educational resources to enhance children’s learning experiences. Unfortunately the government Capitation Grant does not cover the basic costs of running the school e.g. heating, maintenance etc. As we mentioned at some of the Information Meetings, the ‘free’ book scheme came at the cost of the loss of the IT grant to primary schools.

At DSP we offer significantly more than the basic curriculum to children. This is thanks to the fabulous PTA fundraising and to the generous response to requests for Voluntary Contributions. All contributions are very welcome as they fund many extras e.g. play therapy sessions, gym, dance, partial funding for school trips/forest school, continuous professional development for staff, resources for theme based play/learning activities, cooking and much more.

Voluntary Contributions letters will issue to parents/guardians via Aladdin this week.