June 2024 Summary Report Board of Management

A meeting of DSPNS Board of Management (BOM) was held on Monday 24th June 2024 via Zoom.

Items on the agenda included the Principal’s Report, Treasurer’s Report, Voluntary Contributions (VCs), Communications, and Maintenance report.  Specific items included:

  • The Board of Management (BoM) approved funding for play therapy and forest school for the school year 2024-2025
  • The BoM welcomes connections with Changemaker School St Ultan’s, Cherry Orchard who visited DSP and met DSP Student Council.
  • The BoM was impressed by the high results in standardised testing. However, the BoM is concerned that high results is a factor in DSP losing 4 days teaching time per week for 2024-2025 putting staff and initiatives under more pressure.
  • The BoM appreciates voluntary contributions of €31,550 to date.

Next meeting:

Monday 23rd September 2024 

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