4th class – hammocks, tea, weaving, clay and games

We had a lot of variety today. The children can arrive tired at the end of a week and after a walk up hill from school. One child said at the start, ‘I’m soooooo tired. But I know that’ll change as soon as I’m at base camp.’ The first thing they wanted to do was put up the hammocks. They are learning how to put them up themselves. The cocoon-like feeling of being enveloped in a hammock provides deep pressure and proprioceptive input, which can be grounding, calming and restorative for all ages. It also provides opportunities for social time or alone time as needed.

Some children worked with clay while others moved around the camp looking for interesting objects.

As one pair did some weaving, it inspired another pair to do the same, weaving a friendship bracelet with a chant special to their friendship.

Our story today was about Labhrai Loingseach – the King with two donkey’s ears.

We finished with sit spot and a nature tea.

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