Is this the longest stem?These are the biggest dock leaves!I found dandelion, cherry, cowslip and daisy flowersListening to the bard tell a storyWe gather around the hearth to eat, taste wild tea, chat and share stories and songs.Dandelion ink from flower and stem. “The rising sun with setting stars”Reflecting timeMaking dandelion chainsdandelion chainsexploring at free timeMovingfindingOur group rocks!learning ‘you’re only safe if…’ with 6th class assistantsash keys in flower stage and bud bursttouching ash flowersfinding the leaf to go with the dandelionfinding dandelionstasting the cherry blossomtasting hawthorn leaveslearning sticky back ultimate tag with assistantsexploring base campplaying Kim’s game to get to know basecampdandelion curl weights!